In this workshop I guide you on a journey to co-create your dreams and a life you love, with your Higher-Self.


You will get to experience a mixture of meditation, visualisation, journal prompts and channeling of energies that will help you get to connect to your true dreams and see a practical path forward for how to create them. 


The energies:

Before the workshop, you will be flooded with 24 hours of special Reiki energies that will help you to gain a stranger connection to your intuition/Higher-Self and a greater sense of purpose. 


The meditation:

During the workshop I guide your meditation 

I use specific Reiki energies to help you create a stronger connection to your inner knowing, intuition and purpose (The Great Teacher and The Great Eye respectively). Once you have received those I will lead you into meditation and guide you on a journey to meet and “speak” to your High-Self (intuition) to here what advice and guidance they have on:

  • What your true dreams are
  • What you need to help you build the dreams and what is blocking your way
  • The actions you can take to help you create these dreams faster

You will come away with: 

  • A stronger sense of connection to yourself
  • Clarity on your dreams and goals
  • Clear bold actions you can take to help you achieve the dreams

This workshop is facilitated every month for 2 reasons:

So that you have the opportunity to develop your dreams and vision as you grow. As you expand personally and spiritually, your dreams and desires expand too, so it’s always wise to check-in.

You will come away with the dream and therefore the goals and practical actions that your Higer-Self advises you to take over the month that will help put you on and propel you down the quickest path towards your dreams and desires.

To Co-Create:

  • to create jointly
  • to make or invent something new together with one or more other people

You may have heard the sum is greater than the parts. The same can be said for creations. When you co-create something from nothing with someone else then you create a third that is greater than the 2 individual creators themselves. 


In this workshop, I guide you on a journey to co-create your dreams and a life you love, with your Higher-Self. 


Your Higher-Self is the all-knowing part of you. They know everything that has been, everything that is and everything that could be in your life. They can see all the potential you hold and all that is possible for you if you were to tap into that potential. 


When you take the time to connect, listen and feel their guidance, you are able to tap into a level of knowing and intuition that can help you connect to the deepest desires you have, dreams you didn’t know existed and long-forgotten visions that you thought were out of your reach.


All taking you a step closer to knowing and becoming your purpose, should you choose.


This workshop is designed to help you create a stronger connection between you, your Higher-Self and your purpose so that you can really get to see, feel and hear what it is that is possible for you. Once you have crafted a vision of where you want to go, I will then guide a meditation where you will hear your Higher-Self share their thoughts on how to make this goal even greater, what you need in order to achieve this goal and what might block you so you can be prepared. You will come away with co-created practical actions for you to take over the next month to help put you on a more direct path to your dreams. It’s then up to you to make the choices, make commitments to yourself, take bold action and go create the life you love.


You will get to experience a mixture of meditation, visualisation, journal prompts and channeling of energies that will help you get to your conclusion.

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