Always Dreaming Bigger



Transformation and growth are attainable when you learn how to connect to yourself, dream bigger and take the path towards a life you choose.

When you work with me I help you to move out of being a victim of the facts of life and move into being the master and magician of the possibilities and potential that exist for you. I help you to become the author and conscious creator of a life you love. 

If you’re living day-to-day with feelings such as frustration, boredom, misery, and anger, with a sense of wanting more and feeling unfulfilled, let me help you shift into a life of hope, excitement, motivation, confidence and drive.

You might be satisfied with your life, or maybe you’re not. Either way, are you often experiencing that niggling (or significant) feeling that:

“There must be more to life than this?”

Let me help you. 

The Always Dreaming Bigger Membership is here to empower you to:

Create a life you love. 

A tried and tested membership that helps you reconnect to yourself, deepen your spirituality, discover your dreams and desires, gain a sense of purpose and find the strength and courage needed to start creating a life you love.

A membership doesn’t deliver just hope – it offers power, possibility and positivity.


Always Dreaming Bigger

This is your chance to connect to yourself and your desires, to see what it is that you want for your life rather than settling for what you have been told you should have or think you’ve been given.

This is your chance to challenge your desires, to create ridiculous dreams and to see what you’re truly capable of by continuously stretching your goals beyond what you think is possible.

This is your chance to tap into a community and support system that helps you to take the bold action you need to bring these dreams to life. All of this gives you an anchor to keep working towards whilst you reclaim your power, stand in your true self, ignite the inner warrior within you, find the courage and strength needed to abolish the blocks to your true happiness, to an experience of life that you choose and a life that you love.

Power – Possibility – Positivity

This is not the experience of life I want you to have and I’m sure it’s not yours, either. 

    • You want to change and have something different for yourself. 
    • You want a more positive, invigorating and fulfilling experience of life.
    • You want to reconnect to who you really are and to that essence that is bigger than you.

“Be now what it is that you wish to become – be now what it is that you already are.” – Carrie

The Process…

1. Get Happy

Our brains are biologically hardwired to perform better when we are happy. Positive emotions cause more dopamine and serotonin to flow in the brain. These chemicals help us to increase the amount of potential and possibilities that we can see for ourselves. An essential first step towards being able to consider dreams beyond what we currently think is possible.

2. Dream Big

Once we are elevating our happiness levels it’s time to start exploring who we are and what we want. Visualisation and imagination are zapped from us during our school days so this is the time to start flexing the daydreaming muscle and conjuring up the future vision that we have for ourselves. You cannot create that which you cannot see with the mind’s eye.

3. Dream Even Bigger

This is where I challenge you to push the boundaries on what you think is possible. We don’t settle for dreams that you think are possible. This is a goal, not a dream. We challenge the vision, challenge your view of worthiness and connect you to what you really want – and more.

4. Take Bold Action

You’ve got your dream, so what’s the next step? The first one. Let’s identify the bold actions required to take you along your path towards creating your dreams. And we’ll help by holding you compassionately accountable for what is going to deliver impact to your results.

5. Abolish the Blocks

As you make your way along this path, just like Dorothy found on the yellow brick road, there will be blocks. But that’s OK because you need to see them. They have always been there operating in the background, stopping you from living a life you love. As you uncover them, you get to use a mixture of healing energies and spiritual techniques to abolish them out of your way for good.

6. Anchoring the Energies

Throughout the whole process, anchoring supportive energies helps you to remove the blocks and amplify the attributes and virtues needed to help you achieve your goals and create your dreams. We do this through shamanic meditation techniques and mandala creation.

7. Enhance the Journey

By having 1-on-1 time with me, your teacher, guide and mentor, you will accelerate your speed and depth of spiritual and personal growth as we delve deep into your personal circumstances and hit the spot, right where it’s needed, with tailored conversations and healing.

You are capable of so much more than you ever can imagine. Let’s help you unlock those desires and potential that you hold.

What You Get…

Each offering is designed ot support one or more aspects of the Always Dreaming Bigger process. Giving tools and support to help you on your journey to a life you bloody love.

Happiness Enhancers

You’ll receive regular tips, challenges and ideas to help you keep the happy hormones topped up and permanently raise the bar on your happiness level.

Recorded Meditations

Created by me, this collection of empowering and enhancing meditations are on 24/7 access, as and when you want or need them to support you with your ongoing dreaming, dreaming bigger and the creation of those dreams.

Purpose Reflection Journal Prompts

Each month you will receive an extraordinary email that contains unique Reiki energies (given to you via orbs) that will help to connect you to your inner teacher and knowing, as well as, your purpose and path. Enveloped by these energies is a journal prompt that is designed to help guide introspection and foster a deeper connection to your purpose. Set the intention to receive the energies then sit with your journal and allow your Higher Self and sense of purpose to show themselves on the page.

Mandala Magickal Meditation

Not only does regular meditation increase the happy hormones needed for dreaming bigger, but we also use this time to craft an ongoing mandala project to help call in and anchor the energies that you need to create a doorway to your dreams and goals. You can draw, colour or gaze at them to help you manifest. Mandalas are visual representations of energy. The mandala emits a resonance (energetic frequency) that changes your vibration, helping you to remove the blocks or enhance the attributes and virtues you need.

Reiki Infused Mandala

Sent straight to your inbox for you to savour at your own pace. Every monthly mandala is infused with a specific healing intention and 24-hours of Reiki energy, providing you with the resources and encouragement to enhance your personal journey. I frequently feature the mandalas created by members, offering you a wonderful opportunity to connect with your fellow enthusiasts. Who knows? One day, your masterpiece could take centre stage!

Intense 1-hour Distant Healing

Because we all need help feeling better sometimes and overcoming the challenges of life. Delivered straight to your inbox every month, each orb is a reservoir of diverse energies, empowering mantras, and mystical elements designed to assist you in healing both emotional and physical challenges. Your inbox becomes a sanctuary where this powerful tool awaits, ready to be called in whenever you need it the most.

Monthly 24-hours Reiki Healing

Elevate your experience by tapping into an enhanced boost! Each month I’ll send you a concentrated infusion of Reiki energy to provide you with an even more powerful uplift. Simply call it in, set your intention to receive, and let the energy effortlessly flow to you. Brace yourself for a heightened and invigorating flow of energy tailored to amplify your well-being.

Build Your Dream Life Workshop

Welcome to our monthly workshop, a transformative journey that empowers you to craft the life of your dreams. I harness unique energies to facilitate a profound connection with your Higher Self. Through guided meditation throughout the workshop, you’ll gain the ability to vividly perceive, hear, and feel their responses. This interactive experience allows you to seek guidance on what is possible for you and receive insights on how to manifest your dreams and desires with clarity and purpose.

Optional bolt on – Live Group Coaching Session

 What is it that you want to change or transform? Let me coach you live during the call, to help you overcome your challenge, find your solution, develop your strategy or whatever else it is that you might need help with. It’s your choice if you want to put your hand up for a hot seat or if you just want to learn by observing others go through their process. Whatever you choose, this is a safe space for you to unlock your true dreams and full potential. These sessions are designed to provide you with support, valuable insights, and a pathway to success.

Are you ready to get happy, dream bigger than you ever have before and start to build a life you love on your terms?


“Become the Master of possibilities and not the victim of facts.” – The Dragons.

Transformation and growth are attainable when you learn how to connect to yourself, dream bigger and take the path towards a life you choose. 

When you work with me I help you to move out of being a victim of the facts of life and to move into being the master and magician of the possibilities and potential that exist for you. I help you to become the author and conscious creator of a life you love. 

You can go from living day-to-day with disrupting feelings such as frustration, boredom, misery, and anger, with a sense of wanting more and feeling unfulfilled to a life of hope, excitement, motivation, confidence and drive.

A membership doesn’t deliver just hope – it offers power, possibility and positivity.

How will this membership change your life?

I am your happiness and your freedom warrior. I help you to stand in your truth and authenticity so that you can live a life you choose.

The Always Dreaming Bigger membership can help you to feel:

Relaxed 🔹 Lighthearted 🔹 Connected 🔹 Happy 🔹 Powerful 🔹 Purposeful 🔹  Enthusiastic 🔹 Confident 🔹 Ambitious 🔹 Inspired 🔹 Grateful 🔹 Optimistic 🔹 Serene 🔹 Authorative 🔹 Decisive 🔹 Energetic 🔹 Influential 🔹 Vigorous 🔹 Courageous 🔹 Authentic 🔹 Strong 🔹 Persistent 🔹 Faithful 🔹 Expectant

Learn more about who you are, and what you love and connect to your purpose so you can feel a greater sense of value.

      • Become happier within yourself and radiate that out to your family and friends.
      • Find a new sense of drive, excitement and motivation for every single day and new ventures in life.
      • Find the courage to be authentically you and go after what it is that you truly want for your life. 
      • Find the answers to the big universal questions

When being part of this membership you will gain:

      • Friendship and a welcoming group of like-minded souls
      • Compassionate accountability for achieving your commitments and goals
      • A nurturing space where you can explore and express yourself
      • New skills, tools and techniques to help you unearth your spiritual side
      • New hobbies and creative outlets
      • A new way of being and connecting to yourself and that which is bigger than you
      • A fresh and new excitement for life
      • Enjoyment, happiness, fun and love
      • Dedicated and consistent self-care and me-time
      • Peace, calm and relaxation
      • A new perspective on life itself

These are all things that our members have reported feeling and gaining as a result of using the tools, techniques and nurturing space provided inside Always Dreaming Bigger.

The Investment

Joining the membership not only gives you community and affordable consistency in your self-care, meditation, spiritual, healing and loving journey, but it’s also much more affordable than working with me 1-on-1. You’ll be saving $100’s per month. 

Join the membership today if you’re ready to permanently up your happiness levels, start dreaming dreams you didn’t think were possible for you, taking bold action towards them and abolish that which blocks you along the way.


Right now I’m inviting you to get exclusive access to Early Bird Offers.

Put your name on the list, and when the early offers are ready, you’ll be the 1st to be notified and get access to this deal!

Benefits include:

Early bird price FOR LIFE

Free gifts


I want you to dream bigger than you ever have before.

You are capable of so much more than you ever can imagine and I’m here to help you discover it.

“Become the master of possibilities and not the victim of facts”

Why Me

You can read more about me here.

I have been helping people transform and become more aligned versions of themselves since 2004. I have developed people, in one capacity or another, across the entire globe in every single job that I’ve had. Be it in my 12-year corporate career or my Bright Wellbeing business, I have been teaching, coaching, mentoring and inspiring 1000’s of people so that they can become more aligned and happier versions of themselves. 

I am a certified life coach, 1000 hours trained in the Science of Yoga, I am an 18th Degree Grand Master Reiki healer, I have been studying under and working alongside a 50+ year practising hereditary shaman since 2019. I now dedicate my life’s learning to shamanism and everything magickal to help radically accelerate your experience of life from negative or neutral to good and then great.

I’ve been around the block in this self-development game. I’ve received counselling, coaching and healing for over 15 years. I’ve been facilitating it for nearly 10. I’ve been living my dream life since 2016 and now I’m going to share with you some of the tools and techniques that helped me break away from a life of misery and numbness to a life that I truly never thought was possible. 

I found my purpose very early on so I know what that discovery process feels like.

My purpose is to be here with you now.


What Others Say

I want you to dream bigger than you ever have before.

You are capable of so much more than you ever can imagine and I’m here to help you discover it.

“Become the master of possibilities and not the victim of facts”

It is so possible to create a life you love by powerfully connecting to and creating your dreams so you can feel happy, whole and purpose-aligned. 

May you always dream bigger.

Learn more about me, how I work and how I can help you.

Learn more about how mandalas heal and create doorways to future potentials.

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