Always Dreaming Bigger – Your Guided Meditations

Meditation is scientifically proven to help you permanently increase the amount of happiness you experience in life.

It is also proven to give you a multitude of psychological and physiological benefits. I’ve listed a few of the benefits here for you.  Heads up, it’s a long list so if you’re not interested, click here to skip to the meditations themselves.

I’ve given you a good mixture of meditations, all guided by me, all with different intentions. Pick whichever one you need in the moment, get comfy, press play and enjoy.

Keep coming back to the page as I will more meditations as I create them. If you have any specific requests, feel free to ask!


Physiological benefits of meditation:

  • Relaxes the heart & respiratory rate
  • Raises the vibration of the molecular body
  • Slows the process of aging
  • Increases the ability to concentrate
  • Increases the memory process
  • Increases the alpha brain waves which are important for relaxation
  • Slows the release of hormones in response to stress
  • Balances the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system
  • Lowers oxygen consumption
  • Improves the functions of the immunity system; permits longevity
  • Improves palpitation & abnormal rhythmical patterns of the heart
  • Improves many chronical conditions such as insomnia, menopause, chronic fatigue & hypertension
  • Helps to lessen migraine headaches, heart disease and other ailments

Psychological benefits of meditation:

    • Meditation slows down the mind chatter
    • Helps one to remain calm and centered in the midst of chaotic or traumatic situations
    • Helps to create inner strength and balance in one’s being; inner peace; joy; trust
    • Meditation eases depression; helps to raise the serotonin levels in the brain
    • De-programmes old belief systems and negative conditioning of the sub-conscious mind
    • Helps with the abuse of alcohol & drugs
    • Breathing patterns of meditation lessen the feelings of worry and fear
    • Helps to diminish feelings of grief, anger and low self-esteem
    • Increases feelings of self-confidence; increases motivation in life
    • Helps to diminish negative habitual thought patterns and actions
    • Increases one’s creative abilities; creates a balance between the intuition and intellect
    • Enhances visualization techniques

Reinvigorate the mind and prime it for creativity.

Use this meditation whenever you want to connect to the earth, to the elements and to replenish and reinvigorate your mind.

The oxygen molecules in our atmosphere carry on them Prana particles. These prana particles are also known as ‘energy’. 

Many of our daily activities and surroundings deplete us of this vital energy life force, such as smog, air conditioning units, buildings, computers, staying indoors etc. it is this depletion of prana that makes us feel sluggish, tired, unmotivated, bored, etc.

To invigorate and replenish the mind and prime ourselves for creative thinking, we need to replenish the prana. And we can do this simply by breathing and being with the elements. After all, the prana is in the elements and we take the prana in via the oxygen molecules that we breathe in. 

Ubon Waterfall – Meditate with the Sound of Flowing Water From a Highly Magical Waterfall.

When I was travelling across the Eastern Part of Thailand (Isaan), I stopped off at a waterfall somewhere in the province of Ubon. This waterfall was charged with a lot of high energy and positive spirits. I captured a small part of this for you, so let yourself be calm and relaxed by the sound of this water, knowing that this is a supercharged and potent piece of magick. 

From my heart to yours x

Reiki Infused Mandala Colouring – Guided Meditation – Setting Your Intentions

This is a guided meditation to help you set your intentions for your time with your Reiki-infused colouring mandala. Although you can use this meditation any time you feel the need to set an intention, maybe you want to manifest something or help create focus.

Grounding & Setting Intentions

This is a short meditation (2:30min) to help you ground into the present moment and set intentions for your mandala meditation session. It helps you to decide upon, call in and anchor the energy/ies that you want or need depending on how you feel and how you want to feel. Use this audio at the beginning of any colouring or drawing meditation. You can also use it for any time you wish to gain presence and set intentions ahead of any meditation session.

Dreaming Big Questions

How often do you allow yourself the time and space to daydream about what it is you want in and for your life? And when you do, how big do you allow yourself to dream? 

In order to create something in our lives, we first have to be able to visualise it and create an emotion around what it would be like if we have it. This might be about what you’re doing, who you’re with, how you feel, where you are or what you have. 

To really dream big you will need to let go of all limitations that have been placed upon you. Know that everything is possible.

In this meditation, I guide you through a series of questions to help you get to the truth of what it is that you want. I help you dream your big dreams and challenge them to see if you’re holding back and if there’s more that you’re denying. Enjoy and have fun, don’t hold back!

Always dream bigger xx

In this meditation, I guide you through a series of questions to help you get to the truth of what it is that you want. I help you dream your big dreams and challenge them to see if you’re holding back and if there’s more that you’re denying. Enjoy and have fun, don’t hold back!

Always dream bigger xx

Visualising Your Ideal Day

Part of the reason we exist, and our purpose for being here, is to have FUN! And there’s no need to wait. 

Part of creating the life and business that you love is to know what an ideal day of that life would look like. We need to be able to visualise and feel what it is that we want to bring into reality. Otherwise, we get what we’re given.


    1. Put yourself in an environment where you know you will be able to concentrate, where your creative energy is able to flow and you won’t be disturbed. This may be a cafe, a beach, your conservatory, a park, your altar.

2. Allow yourself to relax and quieten your mind. Listen to the instructions in this audio and follow the meditation.

3. Using a journal or pen and paper, answer the questions given in the meditation. Remember that the first answer is the right answer. Try not to analyse, consider reality or think logically. Just allow the ideas to come and write whatever comes to mind.

4. When you have finished, take a look at your responses and highlight the top 3 – 5 values that mean the most to you.

Use the answer here in conjunction with your responses to the Why / Values / Dreaming Big Questions to help you see the future you want to create.

‘Find Your Why’ Questions

We all have a ‘Why’, why we are here, what motivates us, why we get out of bed in the morning. This is subjective to each and every one of us.

When you are out of sync with your why, life may seem unfulfilling, frustrating, miserable, unhappy. You may have a sense of wanting more or wondering if this is it.

When you have awareness of your ‘Why’ then you are able to choose to take action that aligns all aspects of your life with your why, for maximum fulfilment, happiness and, therefore, success.

Note: You may find that you’re already aligned with your why. Brilliant. If not then the actions you choose to make to align yourself with it don’t necessarily need to be drastic. Some may choose to pack a bag and travel for 3 years. For you, it may be shifting your working hours so you get to spend more time with your kids whilst they’re still awake. Everything is relative.


    1. Put yourself in an environment where you know you will be able to concentrate and where your creative energy is able to flow. This may be a cafe, a beach, your conservatory, a park.
    2. Choose whether you will follow the guided meditation or use the written questions below. If you are using then questions then allow yourself to relax and quieten your mind, you may even like to meditate for a short while
    3. Using a journal or pen and paper, write the answers to the questions asked in the meditation or below. Remember that the first answer is the right answer. Try not to analyse, consider reality or think logically. Just allow the ideas to come and write whatever comes to mind.
    4. When you have finished, take a look at your responses. Notice anything that stands out for you and use this information to feed into your Why statement.
    5. Try to complete your Why statement. This may take a few goes, it may take a few weeks to get to the point where you know it is authentic. You may need to gather more information about yourself.



Example Why Statements:

“To inspire people to do the things that inspire them so that, together, we can change the world.” – Simon Sinek

———– x x x x ————-

Music credit to

3 Minute Guided Meditation/Exercise to Dream Big & Attract Your Ideal Day.

Use this short guided visualisation meditation/exercise to help you dream bigger so you can visualise and manifest your ideal day. We can only create that which we believe to be possible. Dream it to create it.

Enjoy xx

5 Minute Guided Breathing Meditation to Stimulate the PNS to Help Promote Rest, Sleep & Digestion

Here I guide a 5-minute breathing technique for you to help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which decreases heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. This then promotes rest, digestion and prepares you for sleep. 

Do you struggle to get to sleep? I’ve mentioned before, poor sleep is generally due to you not having finished something, so you’re unable to let go.

This can create overactivity in the bladder and gallbladder meridians. So, a good way to help promote a sense of peace and rest is to calm the energy lines down and to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. This can be done just before bed or at any time of day when you feel you need to calm down.

Watch this short intro video and then use this meditation to help you create peace and calm within your mind and body.

Short Intro Video:

Let me know how you get on, how do you feel after you’ve done a few rounds of this breath?

Enjoy, beautiful ones xxx

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