Mandala Magickal Meditation

Stress relief, relaxation, physical rejuvenation, mental revitalisation and transformation of your vibration so that you can manifest the life of your dreams. 

All of this in a meditation session? Is this possible? It is with Mandala Magickal Meditation (MMM).

Allow yourself to indulge in this self-care, yet healing and fun-filled, activity and get a lot of laughs, love and surprises back. 

Join our online nurturing space where you get to craft an ongoing mandala project to help call in and anchor the energies that you need to heal and to create a doorway to your dreams and goals. You can draw, colour or gaze at the mandalas to help you manifest.

MMM is one aspect of the Always Dreaming Bigger Membership. You can learn more about the full membership here

Mandalas are visual representations of energy. The mandala emits a resonance (energetic frequency) that changes your vibration, helping you to remove the blocks or enhance the attributes and virtues you need. You also receive potent healing from the Reiki-infused mandalas that come as part of this membership.


If you’re not sure yet, you can register for a complimentary 1-hour MMM session and test us out.


Wanna trial MMM and the Always Dreaming Bigger Membership for 1 month for FREE?

You can! Simply buy yourself a Reiki-infused colouring book and you can get 1 whole month of the Always Dreaming Bigger membership for FREE.


– from my heart to yours x

Here are some of the benefits people claim at the end our sessions:


Peace  ♦  Calm  ♦  Connection  ♦  Destressed ♦   Decompressed  ♦  Light ♦  Clear head – no thoughts ♦  Grounded and centered ♦  Awareness  ♦  Relaxed ♦  Focused ♦  Happy ♦  Buzzy ♦  Relieved ♦  In Flow


Click here to join the Membership now!

Or click here to register for a complimentary MMM session.

One of the biggest blocks to people meditating or allowing themselves fun, creative me-time is that they don’t prioritise it or give themselves permission to enjoy it. Does this sound familiar? Are you guilty of this?

There are many reasons why our members join in on our weekly sessions. But what about you? Maybe you:

      • Want more me-time 
      • And need help with prioritising it
      • Could do with less technology time
      • Are looking for a fun way to relax and destress
      • Are looking for a safe place where you can share and be heard
      • Want to become more empowered about how and when you heal
      • Want to receive regular Reiki and energy healing in a cost-effective way 
      • Need help with how to meditate
      • Want to share your evening with other super people
      • Want to create a habit of meditation and self-care
      • Don’t want to see your mandala colouring book go unloved like your gym subscription and your yoga studio membership
      • Are looking for something to do with your evenings that doesn’t involve the TV
      • Are keen to explore new creative hobbies and ways to meditate

It’s informal, confidential, joyful and safe. Most importantly, it’s healing. It enables you to set aside that time that you want (and possibly need) all for yourself.

Click here to take a look at the testimonials and see what others think.

It’s not all fluff, either, we do some serious healing work as well. Whilst it might seem all rainbows and glitter, the healing effects of the sacred geometry and Reiki energies shared is powerful. In any one session you could end up:

    • See what’s stopping you from receiving or achieving
    • Release stuck emotions
    • See a path forward
    • Become aware of emotions and feelings you have been denying and know how to deal with them
    • And many, many more

Click here to register for a complimentary session and join us to see how it can help you.

I asked my members why they come to MMM and these are some of the things they said:

      • It gives me consistency with time for me and prioritising myself
      • I like the accountability from the group even though it’s for yourself
      • It’s something just for you
      • Ordinarily I would not allow myself to do something for me, everything has to have a reason. This enables me to be selfish
      • This is for me – something fun and creative
      • I love seeing what I have done and created
      • I enjoy being with the people
      • It helps me to break through the resistances I have
      • I have the best time
      • However busy I am I know I have this to look forward to and time set aside – I get an hour to myself
      • It feels good to me
      • There’s always something else that comes up but this helps me to dedicate time for me

So, what exactly is MMM?


What You Get

      • Monthly 24-hours Reiki-infused colouring mandala delivered to your inbox for you print and use when you like (worth $25)
      • A safe & nurturing online space to share, be heard and supported
      • Regular healing and guided meditation from me
      • Bundle of recorded medications by me to use any time
      • Accountability to prioritise your self-care & me-time
      • Dedicated time and space for your creative outlet.
      • A fun and connecting hobby
      • A welcoming, friendly and supportive community
      • Free Facebook group to communicate with your new pals in between sessions


You’re welcome to join one or all of the sessions that we have scheduled:

Session 1 (1.5 hours – different days appear due to time zones)

MON – 20:30 EST 

TUE – 01:30 GMT | 12:30 NZT

Session 2 (1.5 hours):

TUE – 03:00 EST | 08:00 GMT | 19:00 NZT 


    • Bring along your Reiki infused Mandala Colouring book and pens to the zoom call. 
    • You can colour or maybe you choose to draw a mandala, it’s up to you.
    • Each mandala is infused with Reiki energy, you can choose whether you receive the healing or not during the session, it’s up to you.
    • I often give extra healing to those who want it during the session.


Maybe you want friends, genuine connection, fun, chats, a create hobby, regular healing, a regular meditation practice. Whatever your intention, you’re welcome to come and try.

Benefits of meditating with mandalas include: 

          • Reduced stress & anxiety
          • Boosted sense of awareness
          • Increased feelings of balance, calm, strength, & harmony
          • Increased feelings of connectedness to ourselves, one another, & our surroundings
          • Changes your energetic vibration so that you start to attract the positive future you want
          • Creates a stronger mind-body connection, essential for promoting & maintaining health
          • Assists in attaining higher states of consciousness & connection to Source


Anyone who has a desire to meditate, learn, heal and connect with themselves and others. 


Whilst this is a great self-care and me-time activity, it’s also appropriate for all the family! If you want to invite others, just let me know and I’ll talk you through it.


Don’t let your colouring book sit on the coffee table unused. Join MMM, make friends, laugh, cry, draw, colour, connect to your inner child, allow the creativity within you to flow, and above all, have some bloody fun.



Join Mandala Magickal Meditation

It’s easy to join us. 

MMM is part of the Always Dreaming Bigger Membership. You can learn more about the full membership here

We’re waiting to welcome you x

Still not sure?

You can watch the testimonials below and why not come and join us for a complimentary session? Register for a date and time that suits you and join in the fun.

You’ll be given a mandala to colour or you can draw, it’s up to you!

Give yourself the permission and the time you deserve to have some creative, relaxing and healing fun with some fab people x

Need your Reiki-infused mandala colouring book? No problem! Chose the right location for you and hit the button to buy.

Mandala Magickal Meditation Testimonials

Learn more about the Reiki energies used in the book and meditation sessions.

Learn more about how mandalas heal and create doorways to future potentials.

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