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Art That Heals – Vol 2 Dreaming Bigger PDF + 1 month Always Dreaming Bigger Membership

Each mandala in this book is channelled, freehand drawn and Reiki-infused to give you a collection of empowering energies that will raise your happiness and connect you to love so that you can dream bigger for yourself. They will connect you to your intuition so you will feel your purpose and move towards your true dreams. They will develop your faith that everything is possible and anything can be yours, and free yourself from what is holding you back from realising these dreams.

This book is unlike any other mandala colouring book you can buy. It’s authentic, original, unique, and full of unconditional universal love. The book contains:

  • 11 freehand drawn mandala designs
  • Approx 30 hours of focused meditation
  • Over 330 hours of Yamabushi Shinto Reiki healing from a mix of 6 different energies
  • Continuous healing frequencies that you can have endlessly emitting into your home
  • Healing practices that help to repair and rejuvenate your mind and body

✨ You will also get 1 month access to our Always Dreaming Bigger Membership ✨

A tried and tested membership that helps you reconnect to yourself, deepen your spirituality, discover your dreams and desires, gain a sense of purpose and find the strength and courage needed to start creating a life you love.

A membership doesn’t deliver just hope – it offers power, possibility and positivity.

Create a life you love. The Always Dreaming Bigger membership helps you to powerfully connect to and create your dreams so you can feel happy, whole and purpose-aligned. 

The Always Dreaming Bigger membership can help you to feel (as said by its members):

Relaxed ♦ Lighthearted ♦ Connected ♦ Happy ♦ Powerful ♦ Purposeful ♦ Enthusiastic ♦ Confident ♦ Ambitious ♦ Inspired ♦ Grateful ♦ Optimistic ♦ Serene ♦ Authorative ♦ Decisive ♦ Energetic ♦ Influential ♦ Vigorous ♦ Courageous ♦ Authentic ♦ Strong ♦ Persistent ♦ Faithful ♦ Expectant

Once you have made your purchase you will receive an email telling you how to join.


Product Description

Welcome to a world of Art That Heals – healing at your fingertips... Plus your invite to Dream Bigger! 

Meditating on a Mandala is another way of impressing the unconscious with powerful instructions. 

The sacred geometry held within the mandala helps to heal the mind and body as well as create portals to future potentials, helping you to manifest and create the future that you want.

Mandalas emit energetic frequencies that are recognised by your unconscious. When you display or meditate with a particular mandala, you change your resonance to match the resonance that the mandala is representing.

Regular mandala gazing, drawing and colouring helps you to:

  • Reduce stress & anxiety
  • Boost sense of awareness
  • Increase feelings of balance, calm, strength, & harmony
  • Increase feelings of connectedness to ourselves, one another, and our surroundings
  • Develop the power of imagination, visualisation, & creativity
  • Transform your vibration so that you can attract the future that you want
  • Create a stronger mind-body connection, essential for promoting & maintaining health
  • Assists in attaining higher states of consciousness & connection to Source


The Book:

This book is unlike any other mandala colouring book you can buy. It’s authentic, original, unique, and full of unconditional universal love. The book contains:

  • 11 freehand drawn mandala designs
  • Approx 30 hours of focused meditation
  • Over 330 hours of Yamabushi Shinto Reiki healing from a mix of 6 different energies
  • Continuous healing frequencies that you can have endlessly emitting into your home
  • Healing practices that help to repair and rejuvenate your mind and body

There are many reasons why our members work with the Art That Heals colouring books and join in on our weekly sessions. But what about you? Maybe you:

  • Want more me-time
  • Need help with prioritising self-care
  • Could do with less technology time
  • Are looking for a fun way to relax and destress
  • Are looking for a safe place where you can share and be heard
  • Want to become more empowered about how and when you heal
  • Want to receive regular Reiki and energy healing in a cost-effective way
  • Need help with how to meditate
  • Want to share your evening with other super people
  • Want to create a habit of meditation and self-care
  • Don’t want to see your mandala colouring book go unloved like your gym subscription and your yoga studio membership
  • Are looking for something to do with your evenings that doesn’t involve the TV
  • Are keen to explore new creative hobbies and ways to meditate

Whatever you’re looking for, take advantage of this amazing deal and come and feel for yourself the magick and the power that is behind meditating with the Art That Heals mandalas and Reiki healing.

✨ You will also get 1 month access to our Always Dreaming Bigger Membership ✨

The Membership

A tried and tested membership that helps you reconnect to yourself, deepen your spirituality, discover your dreams and desires, gain a sense of purpose and find the strength and courage needed to start creating a life you love.

A membership doesn’t deliver just hope – it offers power, possibility and positivity.

You might be satisfied with your life, or maybe you’re not. Either way, are you often experiencing that niggling (or significant) feeling that “there must be more to life than this?

Let me help you. 

You are capable of so much more than you ever can imagine. Let’s help you unlock those desires and potential that you hold. 

Create a life you love. The Always Dreaming Bigger membership helps you to powerfully connect to and create your dreams so you can feel happy, whole and purpose-aligned. 

I am your happiness and your freedom warrior. I help you to stand in your truth and authenticity so that you can live a life you choose.

The Always Dreaming Bigger membership can help you to feel (as said by its members):

Relaxed ♦ Lighthearted ♦ Connected ♦ Happy ♦ Powerful ♦ Purposeful ♦ Enthusiastic ♦ Confident ♦ Ambitious ♦ Inspired ♦ Grateful ♦ Optimistic ♦ Serene ♦ Authorative ♦ Decisive ♦ Energetic ♦ Influential ♦ Vigorous ♦ Courageous ♦ Authentic ♦ Strong ♦ Persistent ♦ Faithful ♦ Expectant

What You Get:

Happiness Enhancers

  • You’ll receive regular tips, challenges and ideas to help you keep the happy hormones topped up and permanently raise the bar on your happiness level.

Purpose Reflection Prompts

  • Each month you will receive an extraordinary email that contains unique Reiki energies (given to you via orbs) that will help to connect you to your inner teacher and knowing, as well as, your purpose and path. Enveloped by these energies is a journal prompt that is designed to help guide introspection and foster a deeper connection to your purpose. Set the intention to receive the energies then sit with your journal and allow your Higher Self and sense of purpose to show themselves on the page.

Reiki Infused Mandala

  • Sent straight to your inbox for you to savour at your own pace. Every monthly mandala is infused with a specific healing intention and 24-hours of Reiki energy, providing you with the resources and encouragement to enhance your personal journey. I frequently feature the mandalas created by members, offering you a wonderful opportunity to connect with your fellow enthusiasts. Who knows? One day, your masterpiece could take centre stage!

Recorded Meditations

  • Created by me, this collection of empowering and enhancing meditations are on 24/7 access, as and when you want or need them to support you with your ongoing dreaming, dreaming bigger and the creation of those dreams.

Mandala Magickal Meditation

  • Not only does regular meditation increase the happy hormones needed for dreaming bigger, but we also use this time to craft an ongoing mandala project to help call in and anchor the energies that you need to create a doorway to your dreams and goals. You can draw, colour or gaze at them to help you manifest. Mandalas are visual representations of energy. The mandala emits a resonance (energetic frequency) that changes your vibration, helping you to remove the blocks or enhance the attributes and virtues you need.

Healing Orb

  • Because we all need help feeling better sometimes and overcoming the challenges of life. Delivered straight to your inbox every month, each orb is a reservoir of diverse energies, empowering mantras, and mystical elements designed to assist you in healing both emotional and physical challenges. Your inbox becomes a sanctuary where this powerful tool awaits, ready to be called in whenever you need it the most.

Click here to read more about the Always Dreaming Bigger Membership.

Art That Heals – Vol 2 Dreaming Bigger PDF + 1 month Always Dreaming Bigger Membership


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